Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How do I say...

How do I say what you mean to me,
You mean to me as a pearl means to the sea,
As the earth means to the sky,
As a flower is to a butterfly.

As life means to a man
who is just about to die.
What a desert feels when it rains,
What a soothing support, when it pains.

Tell me how do I say what you mean to me,
You're my mind, my soul, my heart.
A dream so beautiful,
An experience so wonderful.

A passion that ignites,
A warmth that invites.
Sometimes a smile so best,
Sometimes a tear so honest.

I wish I could gift you the entire world,
But can only give you my heart instead.
Tell me how do I say what you mean to me
when words are too less.


  1. hey fab wrk..nicely compsed....resli gud keep writng such..
    wel m impressed with ur dese psts..lol...n wel wish me congo do nt ask me y u mte b knwng it..lol..
    keep it up

  2. @ shruti -
    thank u for dis comment..... n ya congrats fr commenting 1st..... :P

  3. @ shruti -
    actually i had brains since birth.... its jus dat i din show it.... n nw wen ppl are gettin aware of it, they're getting SHOCKED.... :p

  4. commendable. words fall short to praise such a great stuff. is 'ankit' ur pen name? i suppose u r sum great wirter but dont want to disclose ur identity,

    luvvd it frm the heart

  5. @ trishala -
    i'm touched by ur wonderful words.... thanks a lot... n 'ankit' is my real name... i don't use a pen name.... :)

  6. hahaha....good work..

  7. @ tanuj -
    thanks for appreciation.... but dude... i didnt find anything 'funny' over here....

  8. cool stufff. i wonder how can sum1 write so gud

  9. @ ananya -
    thanks for the comment.... i suppose its god's gift :)
