Monday, January 26, 2009


According to the Oxford English Dictionary Patriotism means “the character or passion of a patriot; love of or zealous devotion to one's country.”

Patriotism - it is not just celebrating two holidays every year... not just playing and humming patriotic songs on those two days... Patriotism is not just a word, not just a feeling which pops up when there's a war or a terrorist attack.... it is a feeling which is alive in your minds 24x7....

Today, partiotism is limited to just celebrating two days (which only a few do, others take it as just another holiday). Patriotism is not just showing your anger and emotions when the country is in the time of crisis (like war, terror attack, etc) but it is something that should make you shed the very Indian 'Chalta-hai' attitude.... One should be devoted to the country...

The number of people attending the Independence Day and Republic Day parades is decreasing every year. Most of us like to sit in the comfortable confines of our homes and 'enjoy' the parade on the TV. Most of us take it as just another holiday. The situation is even worse in the cities where these functions have a very little audience (as compared to the population of that city).

This may be because of the security concerns (both the fear of an attack and coz they don't want to be frisked by security personnel). But if there is a zeal within you, these issues do not matter. There must be an 'inner call' to attend such functions and show that you love India.

I do not doubt the patriotism of a common Indian. I do not say that they do not love their country. Its just that they do not show it.

India - a country with a population of more than a billion - should not fall short of audience in its 'National Functions'.

After all, the freedom fighters did not sacrifice for this day. They did not lay down their lives to see the Indians remaining ignorant about their sacrifices.


And yeah... wishing y'all a very HAPPY REPUBLIC DAY....



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